Top-tier U.S. telco deploys Digital Assistant to allow customer self service

Case Study


One of the top three U.S. telecommunications companies wanted a platform where they could provide the self-service that many of their customers—particularly younger people—appreciate and desire. The intention was to allow their customers to handle Bill Payment, Account Information, Shopping, Upgrading, Network Issues, Change of Number/Address, and other similar requests without needing to call and talk to an agent–and spend lot of their time waiting in a queue. This business need led to an initiative to develop a Digital Assistant platform which would work based on Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms provided by Google.


Celsior was selected to play a vital role in planning, development, testing, staging, and deployment to production of this Digital Assistant in a timely manner. As desired by the client, the client and Celsior agreed to handle this outsourcing engagement using a fixed-price, deliverables-based managed-service approach.

Key customer benefits from the completed project include:

  • Enhanced customer experience, where the customers can do what they want in just a few clicks. The telco’s customers can ask any questions related to the company, their account, shopping, network, etc., and get answers instantly based on Machine Learning.
  • Highly optimized architecture with modern day technologies.
  • Reduced operations cost by limiting the need to call the customer service number, thus increasing margins by making the transaction process easy and increasing the customer satisfaction.

The Digital Assistant has been very successful. Millions of customers are now enjoying the platform and provide feedbacks of all sorts, which helps improve the platform every day.

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