Best practices for automating Dynamics 365 application testing

In the previous blog of the Platform Optimization series – Why is test automation critical to successful Dynamics 365 upgrades? – We discussed the benefits of test automation for Dynamics 365 upgrades and why it is a fundamental necessity when upgrading Microsoft Dynamics 365 environments. The fifth blog of the series discusses the best practices for a Dynamics 365 test automation strategy to achieve seamless performance and reliability.

As previously discussed, robust test automation is essential to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of Dynamics 365 applications. Test automation by itself is helpful, but taking advantage of Dynamics 365 test automation best practices helps ensure the level of success you need for this critical environment.

  • Understand the Dynamics 365 Landscape
  • Before diving into test automation, it’s crucial to have a thorough understanding of the Dynamics 365 environment, including the modules, workflows, data flows, and integrations within the application. Grasping the details of the Dynamics 365 ecosystem will help in building a successful test automation strategy.

  • Start with a Comprehensive Test Strategy
  • It’s crucial to establish a comprehensive test strategy for the success of Test Automation. Not all test scenarios are equally important. Focus on core business processes, critical functionalities, and user interactions vital to the organization’s success. This approach ensures that the test suite covers the most critical aspects of the application environment.

  • Choose the Right Test Automation Framework
  • Selecting an appropriate test automation framework is the foundation of successful test automation. The framework should be tailored to the organization’s needs and support testing Dynamics 365 applications effectively. Evaluate tools based on compatibility, scalability, and ease of integration with existing systems. Choose a framework that aligns with the team’s skillset and project requirements. There are many types of frameworks in the market, but the most widely used frameworks are the Hybrid and Page Object Model (POM).

  • Prioritize Test Cases for Automation
  • While you may be asked to automate all test cases, it’s wiser to prioritize. Give a higher priority to scenarios that are repetitive, time-consuming, critical to the application’s functionality, and prone to human error. This approach maximizes return on investment (ROI) for your automation efforts.

  • Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • A successful Dynamics 365 test automation strategy seamlessly integrates with your CI/CD pipeline. This means that every code change triggers automated tests, thus ensuring that new features or bug fixes don’t introduce new defects. CI/CD helps catch issues early in the development cycle, leading to faster and more reliable releases—and lower costs.

  • Create a Data Management Strategy
  • Effective test data management is essential as Dynamics 365 applications are heavily based on data. Implement a strategy for creating and maintaining test data that closely mimics real-world scenarios. Use relevant data to ensure that automated tests accurately mimic user interactions and uncover potential issues. Moreover, leverage a test data management tool to create synthetic data for test case execution. It can help minimize the errors due to data failures.

  • Handle Synchronization and Wait Times
  • Dynamics 365 applications involve interactions with databases, APIs, and user interfaces. These interactions may not always occur instantaneously. Incorporate synchronization mechanisms and wait times into test scripts to account for these delays. This ensures that tests interact with the application accurately and reliably.

  • Implement Parallel Test Execution
  • Dynamics 365 applications are often complex and interconnected. Parallel test execution helps speed up the testing process by running multiple tests simultaneously. This is especially beneficial when dealing with complex integration scenarios.

  • Implement Reporting and Logging
  • Effective reporting and analysis mechanisms in the test automation framework are essential components of the strategy. They allow you to track test results, identify issues, and gather insights into application performance. Meaningful reports enable effective communication between development and testing teams, helping them collaborate to resolve issues efficiently.

  • Regularly Review and Maintain Automation Scripts
  • As your Dynamics 365 application environment evolves, automation test scripts must evolve simultaneously. Regularly review and update test scripts to align with changes in functionality and user interface. This prevents outdated scripts from generating false positives or negatives.

  • Conduct Periodic Test Strategy Reviews
  • A Dynamics 365 test automation strategy is never static. Periodically review your automation strategy and associated test suite to identify areas for improvement. This might include optimizing test execution time, expanding test coverage, or enhancing the accuracy of your tests. Adapt to changes in application requirements and emerging technologies to stay ahead of the curve.

  • Document Automation Workflows
  • Comprehensive documentation is important for understanding, troubleshooting, and maintaining automated test processes. Document the design, logic, and dependencies of test automation workflows. Link the automated test cases with the manual test cases to track the test coverage and maintain traceability. This documentation helps as a reference for both current and future team members.

  • Provide Training and Support

Ensure that users and administrators are adequately trained to work with test automation processes in Dynamics 365. Provide ongoing support and resources to help them understand and make the most of the automation features.



Dynamics 365 test automation best practices play a pivotal role in ensuring the stability and success of your business applications. By understanding the application landscape, selecting the right tools, identifying suitable scenarios for automation, and integrating with the development pipeline, you can ensure that the Dynamics 365 environment delivers exceptional performance and reliability. Finally, remember that test automation is an ongoing journey of improvements, and continuous refinement and adaptation are keys to its success.


About the author:

Himanshu Gosain

Read other blogs of the series:

Why do you want to test Microsoft Dynamics 365 Updates?

Lowering your Anxiety over Microsoft Dynamics 365 Upgrades

Optimizing Your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation & Maintenance Environment

Why is test automation critical to successful Dynamics 365 upgrades?

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